The Sparks Family
There has always been a deep love and passion for agriculture in the Sparks Family. In the late 1940s Sam R Sparks began doing custom fieldwork for farmers with a rented tractor. In the early 1950s he bought his first tractor after a “lucky break”. He broke his leg in a motorcycle accident and used insurance proceeds to purchase a tractor rather than setting his broken bone. Since then, the Sparks Family has continued to invest in agriculture. Sam Jr “Bobby” took over the farm in the 1980s. Sam III was raised working on the farm and runs it with Bobby today. It is one of the largest family-owned irrigated farms in the Rio Grande Valley and they grow cotton, corn, grain, soybeans and sugarcane.
Our Operation
Take a look around SRS Land and Cattle! Our family proudly raises registered polled and horned Brahman cattle on the plains of deep south Texas. We have herds in Mercedes and Yoakum and would love to visit with you. Please contact us to schedule a trip to SRS Land and Cattle.

Yoakum, Texas

SRS Bunk Feeders

Mixing Feed

Hay Production 2018

Round Bales 2018

Sam and Seanne Sparks

Bobby and Judy Sparks